We’re enjoying a series of talks based on what Jesus said. We asked Pastor Clive Parnell to take us behind the scenes of this series and why we’re studying it together. Over to Clive:
A recent survey found that many primary school children associated the name “Jesus” with “Gabriel Jesus” the Brazilian football player who plays for Manchester City.
“Jesus Christ” is so much more than a football player or a swear word used by people up and down the country. He changed history – and continues to impact millions of people on earth today.

Each Sunday during this series we are exploring the early stages of the gospel of Matthew – and seeing who Jesus is and what He teaches as we go.
It’s amazing to unpack Jesus’ teaching on a range of subjects we have called “Jesus on…”
Here is a flavour of some of the topics:
- Jesus on Baptism
- Jesus & the Beatitudes
- Jesus on the Law
- Jesus on Giving
- Jesus on Prayer
- Jesus on Worry
- Jesus on Judging
- Jesus on Fake News
It’s my prayer that we will all grow as followers of Jesus and go and share this with others as we live life in community.
We have already started these talks and we hope you are being encouraged, blessed and challenged as we explore Jesus’ teaching.
If you haven’t heard any or you want to catch up on the talks then you can listen or download online.